Unreal4 CPP / Engine Build 중 Plugin API Version이 달라서 생기는 에러
1. 4.13
1. 4.13
LogModuleManager:Warning: Found module file ../UE4Editor-OptitrackOculusRift.dll (API version 3172292), but it was incompatible with the current engine API version (0). This is likely a stale module that must be recompiled.
LogInit:Warning: Still incompatible or missing module: UE4Editor-OptitrackOculusRift.dll
2. 4.15
UE4Editor-OptitrackOculusRift.dll (API version 3299760), but it was incompatible with the current engine API version (0). This is likely a stale module that must be recompiled.
LogInit:Warning: Incompatible or missing module: UE4Editor-OptitrackOculusRift.dll
엔진 빌드중 생기는 에러로 엔진 버전과 해당 Plugin 버전이 달라서 생기는 에러이다.
엔진 버전을 수정한다.
- #define BUILT_FROM_CHANGELIST 3172292
- #define BRANCH_NAME "++UE4+Release-4.13"
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